NOTE: This wiki is under construction.
Terraria Overhaul
Terraria Overhaul is a colossal mod for
Terraria , which, instead of focusing on adding new content to the game, focuses on adding new gameplay mechanics and completely remaking existing ones.
Terraria Overhaul
Mod Credits
Team / Important contributors
Mirsario - Owner - Game Design, Programming, Minor spriting.
Zoomo (Anodomani) - Lead Artist.
Rartrin - Additional Programming.
Kirbyrocket - Musician - Plenty of awesome remixes.
Thanks to
jopojelly , Yoraiz0r - Equally huge help with programming issues.
Vamist - Hosting online info, testing and patron servers.
Batby , Cesium , TitanTippin , Pip1n , OnePointSeven , DeliWtz , ShawKill and FuryForged - Useful feedback and finding various bugs/issues.
movildima , Jofairden , TFlippy , Gord , Trivaxy , Koi (Bananaman) , Fokson - Participation in tests.
Scooterboot - Base grappling hook code.
Contributions / Assets
DM DOKURO - Eye of Cthulhu and Chaos Elemental tracks.
Xyssia - Spriting.
Blatooee - Spriting.
THD Team - Sound Assets and emotes from King Arthur's Gold.
TheHelten - Shotgun & Boomstick sound assets.
Vikri - Wall of Flesh resprites.
TerrorFox1234 - Various sound asset contributions.
Eli10293 - Minor spriting.
TFlippy - Gramophone sprites.
Raxxo - No Hushing Music Disc.
MashedByMachines - THUNDERDOME?! (Sector11) Music Disc.
Lunatic Lobbyist - Backgrounds from Better Ambiance Texture Pack.
Uniquepotatoes - Water arrow resprite. - Source of the most sound assets.