Terraria Mods Wiki
Siege Slammer
  • Siege Slammer item sprite
Stack digit 1
Damage44 (Melee)
Knockback5 (Average)
Critical chance4%
Use time15 (Very fast)
TooltipBreaks walls in a 5 block square area, regardless whether they are connected to an empty wall tile or not.
Cannot turn full blocks to slopes, etc etc
RarityRarity level: 4

The Siege Smaller is a Hardmode hammer that does not have a hammer power nor can it slope blocks. However it is able to destroyed walls in a 5 by 5 area regardless if there's an empty space next to it or not.

Crafting[ | ]

Recipe[ | ]

ResultIngredientsCrafting station
Siege SlammerSiege Slammer
Mythril AnvilMythril Anvil
Orichalcum AnvilOrichalcum Anvil
Tools: Altituned Pickaxe (Tier 1) (Pinkymod) Tools • Obsidian Rod (Pinkymod) Fishing Rods •